Tag: pizza

June 1, 2017 / München
September 10, 2016 / Copenhagen

Copenhagen: A town caught in between traditional castles, orderly house fronts and over-the-top amazing cafés. Ask me where to eat in Copenhagen and this is what I will guide you to: organic pizzerias, traditional sweets, diverse street food, homey hummus and handmade ice cream. (Stay tuned for more on delectable breakfast spots and traditional candy manufacturers.)

April 20, 2016 / Hamburg
Eimsbüttel : ITALIAN ♦ Sternschanze: HIPSTER ♦

This hanseatic town has delicious and different types of pizza to offer.  Lots of classical Italian, but also innovative, creative and the build-your-own kind.  Below are my three favorite pizzerias to go to – they all differ quite a lot from each other.  It really depends on where you are, who you’re going with, and what you feel like eating to decide which one you opt for.

September 14, 2015 / Berlin
September 14, 2015 / Berlin