Ookie’s Maps & Guides

Wherever I am, I make maps to get an overview of the city and plan where to go. The research comes from other local blogs, Instagram and friends or locals.

Every so often a blog post might happen too. But for all other times, here is my research and experience, compact and visual, on maps. Some are sorted, others are still messy leftovers from the first brain storming.

The focus is on local food and coffee shops, but often includes cultural highlights, individual shops, running routes, yoga studios, boulder gyms or some 8th stories in special buildings.


For more Berlin Tips, check Marianne Renella’s Blog, Stil in Berlin, Ceecee, Berlin Food Stories (and their Instagram accounts). Another way to find great cafés is to search the partner cafés of Berlin coffee roasters or Kombucha breweries such as VOTE coffee, Field Coffee, Bouche, ROY Kombucha.

In Hamburg, get Fräulein Anker’s HALLO HAMBURG book (sold at Balz & Balz) or keep an eye out for the seasonal City Brief Issues laying in cafés. Also if you’re into local shopping, check out Findeling, the app for owner-run concept stores in Germany.

More Europe:

For more third wave coffee in Europe, my best resources are Way To Coffee and European Coffee Trip.



Find more amazing coffee tips on Way To Coffee‘s Blog.

