Tag: Madrid

July 8, 2018 / Madrid & Barcelona

I liked almost all specialty coffee shops I visited in Madrid. But some stood out. With reasons ranging from handmade ceramic cups to tangy bubbly Shrub, the following five were my favorite finds in Madrid.

July 1, 2018 / Madrid & Barcelona

The specialty coffee shops in Madrid surprised me. They had superb, fruity flat whites, simple but authentic avocado toasts and crazy inventive drinks like G&T cappuccino. Here I have summarised my general impression of Madrid’s cafés and which ones are best for which occasions!

June 20, 2018 / Madrid & Barcelona

This spring I got to know Spain a bit better.  First I was in Madrid.  Here I was positively surprised by the flourishing energy, the plentiful plazas, the historic architecture and last but not least the individual cafés in the capital’s creative neighborhoods.